The Oppenheimer Case (1970)
Title: The Oppenheimer Case
Release Date: 1970-02-02
Genres: Drama, TV Movie
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Oppenheimer Case full movie for free. Released in 1970, The Oppenheimer Case movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
During World War II, the American physicist Robert Oppenheimer was at the head of the research work for the production of the atomic bomb. He was removed from that position in 1953 due to disagreements with the US Atomic Commission regarding the development of the hydrogen bomb. The investigation that was conducted against him during the infamous time of anti-communist hysteria and the "witch hunt" during the time of Senator McCarthy is testimony to the great moral and psychological dilemma in which the scientists of that era found themselves.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Oppenheimer Case a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Branko Pleša, Svetolik Nikačević, Predrag Tasovac, Janez Vrhovec, Petar Banićević, Dušan Bulajić, Đorđe Jelisić, Vladimir Popović, Stojan Dečermić, Jovan Milićević, Marko Todorović, Miloš Žutić, Braslav Borozan, Rade Marković
Radomir Mihailović-Točak, Arsenije Jovanović, Arsenije Jovanović, Heinar Kipphardt
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