The Care Bears Movie (1985)
Title: The Care Bears Movie
Release Date: 1985-03-23
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, Comedy, Family
Runtime: 76 minutes
Status: Released
What happens when the world stops caring?
Watch The Care Bears Movie full movie for free. Released in 1985, The Care Bears Movie movie was made with a budget of $2,000,000 and has earned $34,000,000 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The Care Bears team up with a troubled brother and sister who just moved to a new town to help a neglected young magician's apprentice whose evil spell book causes sinister things to happen.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Care Bears Movie a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Mickey Rooney, Jackie Burroughs, Georgia Engel, Sunny Besen Thrasher, Eva Almos, Patricia Black, Melleny Melody, Bob Dermer, Jayne Eastwood, Billie Mae Richards, Harry Dean Stanton
Arna Selznick, Peter Sauder, Jack Chojnacki, Lou Gioia, Michael Hirsh, Patrick Loubert, Carole MacGillvray, Clive A. Smith, Robert Unkel, Patricia Cullen, David Altman, Jim Christiansen, Barbara Sachs, Tom Joerin, Gordon Kidd, Sheila Murray, Michael O'Farrell, Steve Weslak, Darlie Brewster, Jim Erickson, Carole King, John Sebastian
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