Basri & Salma in A Never-Ending Comedy (2023)

Basri & Salma in A Never-Ending Comedy

Title: Basri & Salma in A Never-Ending Comedy

Release Date: 2023-05-26

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Runtime: 15 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Basri & Salma in A Never-Ending Comedy full movie for free. Released in 2023, Basri & Salma in A Never-Ending Comedy movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Basri and Salma, a childless couple who have been married for 5 years, own an Odong-Odong at the carnival together, spending their days entertaining and taking care of other people’s children without any of their own. One day they have to attend a family reunion where they are being intimidated and repressed by other family members. Between meddling relatives, self-doubt and an explosive confrontation, they uncover why they have not been blessed with a child.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Basri & Salma in A Never-Ending Comedy a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Arham Rizki Saputra, Rezky Chiki, Hj. Sugiati, Alghifari Jasin, Alif Anggara, Sri Eka Putri, Utri Fadhilla Muslimin, Syifa Mahya, Raka Ardhinata Putra Wardhany, Raja Pricha Putra Wardhani, Siti Nur Aisyah


John Badalu, Khozy Rizal, Khozy Rizal, Khozy Rizal, Ayu Andira, Ifah Tamuma, Abdul Chaliq DP, Khozy Rizal, Sue Turley, Michael Y. Chow, Andi Moch Palaguna, Bilal Raviadi, Rafiat Arya, Sutarjo, Chairul Rijal Juanda, Hajar Aswad, Adnan Yogis, Max Tersch, Feranda Monica Aries, Haediqal Pawennei, George Fernandet, Hardy Yohansyah, Andi Moch Palaguna

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