The Beginner (1985)
Title: The Beginner
Release Date: 1985-10-03
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 100 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Beginner full movie for free. Released in 1985, The Beginner movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Movie fan Mike has invented a machine with which he is able to take part in every movie which is currently running on his video tape recorder. But he and his friend Tommy are watched while trying out this new device and soon two electronic companies are on their trail to discover the secret of this invention.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Beginner a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Thomas Gottschalk, Mike Krüger, Anja Kruse, Ankie Beilke, Sylvia Engelmann, Kurt Weinzierl, Gerd Baltus, Eiji Kusuhara, Werner Kreindl, Jochen Busse, Udo Kier, Thea Gottschalk, Klaus Stiglmeier, Ossy Kolmann, Corinna Drews, Willy Harlander, Bob Lockwood, Kenny Whymark, Gert Burkard, Ludwig Haas, Alexander Gittinger, Wolfgang Haussmann, Klaus Fuchs
Sigi Rothemund, Karl Spiehs, Luggi Waldleitner, Gerhard Heinz, Olaf Weitzl, Heinz Hölscher, Claudia Wutz, Erich Tomek, Mike Krüger, Thomas Gottschalk
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invention, remote control, parallel world