Madden (2023)
Title: Madden
Release Date: 2023-01-29
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 13 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Madden full movie for free. Released in 2023, Madden movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
To Madeleine, the muddy road to the nearby town in front of her family’s farm seems like a threshold to another world. A mystical coming-of-age story in which the teenager experiences glimpses of the unknown as feelings of longing and loyalty collide.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Madden a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Irma Hallberg, Theodora Alm Norell, Maria Alm Norell, Mathias Olofsson
Joel Rostmark, Håkan Eriksson, Markus Lusth, Fredrik Fornänger, Josefine Adolfsson, Stellan Runge, Freja Svensson, Hannah Höglund, Kristofer Nordin, Victor Lindström, Janne Kokki, Soley Astudottir, Andrea Gylleskiöld, Julia Tegström, Adam Holmström Meinking, My Slögher, Mauricio Waldo, David Kuuse, Ludwig Ljung, Christoffer Jonsson, David Kuuse, Fredrik Carlqvist, Oskar Larsson, Kajsa Kiuttu, Malin Ingrid Johansson, Malin Ingrid Johansson
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loyalty, coming of age, farmer family, short film