Cats & Dogs (2023)

Cats & Dogs

Title: Cats & Dogs

Release Date: 2023-01-08

Genres: Documentary

Runtime: 5 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Cats & Dogs full movie for free. Released in 2023, Cats & Dogs movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

In September 2022, Bengaluru made national news when the IT hub region of Bellandur faced major flooding resulting in a nightmare for all its residents. The idea of the film is to explore the two main factors contributing to this - the area’s topography and the rapid urbanization interfering with the natural water network - using visuals of a sprawling, developing metropolis contrasted with that of the chaos and breakdown of essential services that happened during the floods.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Cats & Dogs a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Gautam Pradhan, Abhinav Gupta, Jay Rustagi, Vedansh Pal, Injabul Sheikh


Sohan Shetty, Vashist Thakwani, Vashist Thakwani, Khan K Aadam, Khan K Aadam, Chaitanya A, Nikhil Waiker, Hindole H Shihan, Chaitanya A, Umar Ali Khan, Khan K Aadam, Krithik Venugopal

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social documentary, documentary filmmaking, bangalore, nature documentary

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