Power (2023)


Title: Power

Release Date: 2023-04-20

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 94 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Power full movie for free. Released in 2023, Power movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A boy is accidentally killed at an informal hunt somewhere on the border of two European countries. One of the people involved is Minister Berger, the hot candidate for the influential post of High Commissioner for Water Management, who will be tasked with finding the solution to increasing water shortages across Europe. The government hires secret agent Steiner to hush up the scandal. The more he investigates the case, the more embroiled he becomes in dilemmas of power and its execution.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Power a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Szabolcs Hajdu, Jan Kačer, Attila Mokos, Éva Bandor, Mária Zaujecová, Lucia Kašová, Ingrid Timková, Roman Polák, Miroslav Krobot, István Olasz, Peter Oszlík, Jana Oľhová, László Katona, Láng Annamária, Eszter Bánfalvi, Milan Vojtela


Mátyás Prikler, Marek Leščák, Mátyás Prikler, Mátyás Prikler, Mátyás Prikler, Gergely Pálos

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