The Twelve Months of the Summer (1988)

The Twelve Months of the Summer

Title: The Twelve Months of the Summer

Release Date: 1988-11-24

Genres: Horror, Science Fiction, Drama, Mystery, TV Movie

Runtime: 130 minutes

Status: Released


Watch The Twelve Months of the Summer full movie for free. Released in 1988, The Twelve Months of the Summer movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Roger and Lars are family men who live a life as a traveling construction workers on large sites worldwide. They are offered a very generous contract they can't turn down. One-years work for a ten year salary. All they have to do is sign and honor the contract. But they don't know where they are going or what they are supposed to build. Blindfolded they are brought to a place with summer the year round. At this strange place they meet fellow workers. Together, they realize that there is something very wrong in this paradise.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Twelve Months of the Summer a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Hans Mosesson, Bergljót Arnadóttir, Victoria Möllerström-Hjelm, Göran Stangertz, Kajsa Reingardt, Halvar Björk, Pierre Lindstedt, Eddie Axberg, Pär Ericson, Bernt Ström, Ove Tjernberg, Sven Lindberg, Evert Lindkvist, Britt-Louise Tillbom, Jan Tiselius, Karin Grandin, Curt Spångberg, Göte Fyhring, Björn Kjellman


Tibor Fonyodi, Sture Pyk, Åke Parmerud, Richard Hobert, Aina Behring, Leif Kristiansson, Marie Wallin, Richard Hobert, Peter Fischer, Inger Forsberg, Tina Johansson, Tibor Fonyódi, Marianna Widmalm

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suicide, winter, secret mission, hallucination, wilderness, summer, mysterious force, surveillance camera, government scientist, construction worker, drunkenness, scientific experiment

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